The plumbers at Andrews Mechanical, Inc are available to assess,
design, plan, estimate, and implement your new home plumbing and piping systems
or for an improved system in your existing dwelling. If you are a commercial
business owner/operator and need facilities added or customer amenities installed
we will help you realize the customer friendly environment that will make
them glad they visited you and will bring them back again.
We have a wide selection of plumbing technologies that will suit your needs
and improve the quality of your structure or residence.
- Copper
pipe Type L or K (Type M wall too thin) REHAU
- Iron pipe (Cast)
Some important facts about why Andrews Mechanical, Inc uses
PVC for home and business drain material rather than ABS plastic.
- PVC reduces water noise (PVC material more dense than ABS)
- PVC resists bowing and bending more than ABS
- PVC more chemically resistant than ABS
- PVC will not support combustion (burn on its own) - ABS burns freely
- PVC more impact resistant than ABS
"We use a combination of REHAU water pipe and copper Type K or L,
to give you the best of both products". - Larry.