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Natural Gas Facts

Washington State Governor, Good portion of the Washington State Building Code Council, Washington State past head of Commerce, Washington State Democrats Legislature have been misinforming the Washington State Residents about Natural Gas. Plus, this will cause huge expense to the citizens of Washington State with no gain on the Global warming for the state.
See reasons and facts below
1st Natural Gas has Global warming potential of 80.
2nd CO2 has a Global warming potential of 1.
3rd Natural gas when burned yield CO2 so Natural gas goes from 80 down to 1 when burned.
4th Natural Gas is lighter than air.
5th There is no way to stop Natural gases from leaving the ground due to the fact Natural Gas is lighter then air.
6th There is an unmeasurable amount of natural gas ready to go into the atmosphere and cause Global warming or if the percentages of Natural gas got high enough there could be a rapid expansion in the atmosphere from natural occurring releases.
7th The only way to slow down the amount of Natural gas from leaving the ground is to consume Natural gas by burning it in a manner that reduces the Global warming potential of Natural gas to 1, then use the CO2 to make everything that is made from other fossil fuel with that CO2.
8th Most fossil fuels will turn into some form of Natural gas in time.
9th Natural gas has been around well before 1000 AD and will be even at increase use we will have 300 Years of supply of natural gas in the United States at least.
10th Natural gas will be with us until the end of time, it is a natural product made of the earth not manmade like electricity is.
11th By not using Natural Gas for heating our homes and business the electrical grid will be overtaxed. The cost of electricity will greatly increase due to the cost of renewables energy. Your Electric bill could easily triple as it has in other states. Since Natural gas is not able to be used for the new electricity in this state.
12th By not using Natural Gas for heating our homes and business the required electrical infrastructure would have to double in size to carry the extra load. So, you have more chances of another Grey fire that wiped out 240 homes in one day with the extra electrical required infrastructure required if it was not for Natural gas being used.
13th By not using Natural Gas for heating our homes and business the required land for the infrastructure would have to increased.
14th By not using Natural Gas for heating our homes and business the required permits that would have to be required for this infrastructure would be requirement is not attainable, nobody want's any more electrical by their land due to the EMF that is given off by the power.
15th By not using Natural Gas for heating our homes and business we won't have to power to convert a large percentage of cars to electric because there won't be the power to charge them.
16th There is 1-1/2 times more trees for the reduction of CO2 then there is CO2 made in the United States.
17th Electricity is more dangerous than Natural Gas, this was made clear by the Grey Fire in Eastern Washington that wipe out 240 homes that were lost in one day in 2023, caused by faulty electrical light, and an Electrical Arc fault that is hotter than the sun, Washington State requires Electrical licensing for electrical due to the dangers of electricity, where when that electrical arc hits the ground anything that is combustible ignites, Electricity is the ignition source. Whereas Natural gas there are no such requirements by the state for state licensing, also with electricity you can't see it or smell it whereas Natural gas you can smelled the natural gas and with Gas detectors you can hear the alarm. With Natural gas there must be just the correct mixture for the gas to ignite plus a source of ignition. Natural gas is much safer than electricity. Other fire cause by electrical lines in recent years is the Smoke House fire creek in Texas with destruction of 400 to 500 structures and tens of thousands of cattle were killed,
18. Natural gas gives warm heat which heat pumps don't, heat pump heat is often called cold heat due to how you feel with cooler air then Natural gas heat.
19. Putting all your eggs in one basket has always's been a bad idea.
20. Natural gas furnaces last more than double that of heat pumps so the heat pumps cost is more than double per life cycle of the equipment.
So how could you restrict the use of Natural Gas after these facts are known.

Larry Andrews President

I am asking you to Vote Yes for Initiative 2066 and 2117


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